1968-1969 scrapbook
Content Description
The Chase Street Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) collection includes two series; the Chase Street Elementary Parent Teacher Organization series (1926-2015) and the Athens City and Clarke County Education Associations series (1942-1964). The Chase Street PTO series contain 18 scrapbooks created by Parent Teacher Organizations along with a folder of material that was removed from a bound scrapbook. These scrapbook materials document the activities and events hosted by the Chase Street PTO, past members of their organization, pictures, art, and news about the school. The Athens City and Clarke County Education Associations series contains one scrapbook and two bound books that include minutes from Executive Board meetings, news clippings, annual reports, and constitutions from the association. A majority of the materials in both series have a hardcover, and most of the PTO scrapbooks are hand bound.
- 1926 - 2015
Conditions Governing Access
Open to researchers without restrictions
From the Collection: 22 Linear Feet
From the Series: English
Repository Details
Part of the Heritage Room, Athens-Clarke County Library Repository
2025 Baxter Street
Athens GA 30606